Alerting and Messaging
Alerting and messaging are designed with an emphasis on reliability and security in Secapp. When a situation arises, critical information can be sent to the desired recipients in seconds, be it one person or several thousand.

Guaranteed delivery for alerts and messages
Guarantee that you reach people via multiple channels.
Make sure to get peoples attention and response quickly.
Reduce the amount of manual work e.g. calling people.
Reduce costs when compared to traditional communication tools e.g. mass SMS, calls.
Communicate on a professional secured platform that meets the requirements of the GDPR.
Ready-made message templates improve preparedness – they can be created for both everyday activities, as well as emergency situations.
Icon, priority level, recipients, subject, description, instructions, attachments, and communication channels can be defined for the message templates.
Managing user contacts, skills, and groups enables precise targeting of messages and quick response in unexpected situations.
Predefined responses can be built for recipients’ acknowledgements/reactions, which can be sent automatically if the requirements are met.
The alerted people can see the responses and skill sets of other respondents in real-time.

Fast two-way and multichannel alerting
Messages are sent by a push of a button or completely automatically by integrating Secapp with existing systems.
Multiple sending channels: application (Android, iOS), browser, SMS, email, desktop, robocalls, TETRA/VIRVE, Airbus Dabat application.
Messages and alarms will pass the device’s silent settings if needed and immediate response to messages is required (OK or NOK).
Target messages based on individuals’ skills, group information, usability, or location
The alerted people can see the responses and skill sets of other respondents in real-time.
Real-time situational awareness
Secured 1-on-1, group, and alert-specific chat function for instant messaging for both daily and unexpected situations.
Current information can be received and delivered in different ways: quick responses, alert specific chat conversations, attachments, location information, checklists/reports.
Video connection for both consulting and meetings.
Possibility to communicate quickly to critical stakeholders: e.g. security organizations, preparedness groups, management, and city authorities.
Situational discussions and recordings with historical data for follow-up if needed.