Professional communications system for dispatching and alerting fire and rescue services covering first responders and volunteers

The versatile and easy-to-use Secapp has proven to be a functional and popular system in many fire and rescue service organizations, such as professional and voluntary fire brigades, first responders, and search and rescue services.

The Secapp users from this sector in Finland include, for example, Central Uusimaa, Pirkanmaa and North Karelia professional fire brigades, Porvoo, Rauma and Rovaniemi voluntary fire brigades, the Finnish Air Rescue Society. In Estonia, Secapp is used by Tallinn and Tartu first responders.

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Save time

Real-time situational awareness and communication, covering the entire area of operation of the rescue service and immediate response from the field.

Set up and maintain your control center in Secapp – and carry it in your pocket!

Be prepared

Ready-made templates for various disturbances and unexpected situations including people and groups to be alerted, the priority and a description of the situation and instructions for the responders, as well as possible escalation chains.

Manage contacts, skills, and alert groups with Secapp tools. Preparedness facilitates both day-to-day work and readiness to act in situations such as major accidents.

Alert and reach out

Alert, communicate and dispatch personnel, both stand-by and off-duty workers.

Locate individuals and units and co-operate with authorities when needed e.g. via Secapp’s own secure chat or video consultation.

Improve personnel’s physical safety with mobile security buttons (OneClick alerting).

What is Secapp?

Secapp is used, for example, for the dispatching of permanent personnel and rescue units on a daily basis and the coordination and monitoring of emergency operations. The application also includes a mass notification system that can be used to inform stakeholders (city administration, water and electricity suppliers, police, health care, etc.).

With Secapp, monitoring is easy and convenient 24/7 and ensures adequate on-call readiness. The reporting feature can handle both fire and equipment inspections as well as accident reports. All this without new equipment investments.

Learn more about the product

Capture attention…

In crises and emergencies

Ready-to-use templates are created in Secapp for various disturbances and unexpected situations. Templates include e.g. people and groups to be alerted, the priority of the situation, a description of the situation, instructions for the responders, as well as possible escalation chains. Contacts, skills, and alert groups are managed with Secapp tools. Preparedness facilitates both day-to-day work and readiness to act in different situations, such as major accidents.

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In the event of a disturbance or an unexpected situation, you can use Secapp to issue a mass alert using ready-made alert templates. The alert is sent via several communication channels (mobile application, text message, robot call) to all the people defined in the template, regardless of whether the person has an older phone or a smartphone. In the case of a high-priority alert, Secapp bypasses the phone’s silent settings on Android and iPhone phones. All recipients of the message can respond to the alert (OK/NOK) and indicate whether they can participate in the situation or not.

Secapp is an excellent system for the alerting and internal communication of volunteer fire brigades, as well.

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Secapp creates a real-time situational awareness picture for the on-scene commander. Secapp shows which individuals or groups can join the situation, any additional information, and the commander can keep the responders up-to-date using the chat feature linked to the alert.

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Secapp is used as an alert and dispatching system e.g. in the following situations:

  • Permanent personnel: in a case of a sudden absence a replacement employee is needed.
  • Permanent personnel and volunteers: stand-by or off-duty personnel is alerted to work

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Commanding in the event of disturbances and storms (catastrophes).

  • Ready-made templates, quick response
  • Communications between other stakeholders and authorities (cities, municipalities, police, etc.)

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OneClick buttons and the dead man’s switch increase lone worker safety. With the OneClick button, you can send an alert from the screen of your own phone with a single push of a button. The dead man’s switch will automatically send an alert if the device does not detect movement within a specified time (e.g. 1 minute).

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Secapp records all events during an unexpected situation: alerted people, responded information, shared additional information, and decisions made. A report can be created from the resulting event log, on the basis of which this unexpected situation can be debriefed and, if necessary, operating models can be developed.

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Collect and report critical data with Secapp’s mobile checklists. The checklists allow any form to be digitized to the customizable task- and checklists such as:

  • Routine safety and quality inspections
  • Collecting critical information
  • Giving step-by-step instructions and workflows in critical situations

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We help you

Fire Brigades

  • Alerting and dispatching personnel (stand-by and off-duty workers)

  • Dispatching a replacement employee

  • Commanding in disturbances and storms

  • Alerting and communications of volunteer fire brigades (location information)

  • Automatic fire brigade and fire fighter contact detail management and decentralizing for different levels of the organization

  • Stand-by screen: the real-time occupation of both own fire brigade and the voluntary brigade

  • Communication covering the entire area of operation of the rescue service

  • Targeting messages: groups, competencies, skills

  • Skill and alert group management and verification

  • Opportunity for co-operation with authorities (e.g. concerning first response)

Volunteer Fire Brigades

  • Fast and reliable alert from the emergency response center to the volunteer fire brigade

  • Immediate responses from the field

  • Real-time situational awareness

  • Stand-by screen: real-time occupation and preparedness

  • Locating individuals and units

  • Own secure internal chat

  • Targeting messages: groups, competencies, skills

Additional features

  • Daily reporting, e.g. fire safety, equipment inspections and accident reports is done directly from everyone’s work phone

  • Set up and maintain a control center with Secapp – carry it in your pocket

  • Video consultation, e.g. between the extinguishing unit and the control center

  • Improving personnel’s physical safety with mobile security buttons (panic button and dead man’s switch)


The Finnish Air Rescue Society

“We use Secapp for alerting, coordinating and reporting.”

Watch a video on how Finnish Air Rescue Society uses Secapp for mobile coordinating and reporting.

Jokilaaksot Rescue Service Department

“The software brings plenty of benefits, most importantly dispatching and two-way communication, helping us to create situational awareness in real-time.”

Read more about how Secapp was used in the Kalajoki wildfire rescue operation.

Kuopion Yliopistollinen Sairaala

“Pelkästään hoitohenkilöstön vuoronvaihtoihin tai ylityökyselyihin sitä (Secapp) käytetään meillä kymmeniä, ellei jopa satoja kertoja päivässä.”

Lue lisää, miten autamme Kuopion Yliopistollista Sairaalaa sen eri toiminnoissa.

Let’s talk about how you could benefit from Secapp?

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