We have 45+ pros working at Secapp and our team is growing all the time. Here you can get to know some of our professionals, as well as our board of directors. All emails are firstname.lastname@secapp.fi
Domestic & International Sales
Management Team
Administration & Finance
Board of Directors
The board has a strategic function in providing the vision, mission and goals of the organization the CEO will implement at the company level. Thus, recruiting, supervising, retaining, evaluating and compensating the CEO is one the most important functions of the board of directors. The board has also the responsibility of developing a governance system for the business. The board has a fiduciary responsibility to represent and protect the shareholders interest in the company. So the board has to make sure the assets of the company are kept in good order. This includes the company’s equipment and facilities as well as the human capital (people who work for the company.). The board is in charge of closing the financial year, the auditing process and hires the auditor. It is in charge of making sure the audit is done in a timely manner each year.
Kimmo Kaario
Board member, Director, Space and Defence at Huld.io
Niko Tuomi-Nikula
Board member, Director of Information Management & Development at Secapp
Jarkko Danska
Board member, Investment Director at Midinvest Management