Secapp’s statistics page can be used to show different summaries and reports related to Secapp’s various functions. Now it’s possible to download user data as a report from the statistics page. The report makes it easier to understand which Secapp organizations (organization name, organization id) the user belongs to and what user levels he has. The report also shows other user information, such as groups and skills, as well as which Secapp functions the user has.
Even if a person belongs to many different Secapp organizations, the list always has only one line per user, which makes the report easier to view. The report shows which is the invoicing organization for each user.
In the first release, the report can be downloaded in JSON file format. It is a file format that enables data to be viewed in e.g. Excel, and also to transfer data between different applications and integrate with external systems. During October-November, we’ll publish a version where the report can also be downloaded directly as an Excel file.