Secapp relies on having certain permissions. Android has launched a feature that removes already given permissions for Secapp if you don’t use the app within a couple of months. Depending on your Android system version this setting can be removed in the following ways:
Android 13:
- Click NEXT
- Disable “Pause app activity if unused”
Android 12:
- Click NEXT
- Disable “Remove permissions and free up space”
Android 11:
- Click NEXT
- Open permissions
- Disable “Remove permissions if the app isn’t used”
Some Androids with version 10 or below might have the same feature, which can be disabled by:
- Click NEXT
- Click the Gear -icon
- Click “Permissions for unused apps”
- Select filter “All apps” and select Secapp
- Disable “Remove permissions if the app isn’t used”
If you need help you can ask for help from your organization’s admin user.