Secapp relies on having certain permissions. Android has launched a feature that removes already given permissions for Secapp if you don’t use the app within a couple of months. Depending on your Android system version this setting can be removed in the following ways:

Android 13:

  1. Click NEXT
  2. Disable “Pause app activity if unused”


Android 12:

  1. Click NEXT
  2. Disable “Remove permissions and free up space”

Android 11:

  1. Click NEXT
  2. Open permissions
  3. Disable “Remove permissions if the app isn’t used”



Some Androids with version 10 or below might have the same feature, which can be disabled by:

  1. Click NEXT
  2. Click the Gear -icon
  3. Click “Permissions for unused apps”
  4. Select filter “All apps” and select Secapp
  5. Disable “Remove permissions if the app isn’t used”


If you need help you can ask for help from your organization’s admin user.